Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Step 15: 'Twas the night before flying to Beijing

In retrospect, the decision to work today was not a wise one. I went from distracted to anxious to hungry to distracted to anxious to nauseated to - well, then the cycle just repeated itself until about 2:30 PM. A few tasks were eventually accomplished, though, and my inbox was empty and my outbox was full when I finally packed up for the day. I had planned to be done by 1 PM but, oh well.

As exasperated as I get with my job sometimes, I really do work with a good group of people. Multiple colleagues wished me safe travels and a happy "Family Day" when we meet our little Pearl. It was sweet, but I was totally ready to say my goodbyes. I'm also not a hugger and everyone seemed intent on making me share a hug with them so that was rough. See you in six weeks, folks!

This afternoon, I decided to surprise Bean by picking him up from school. The lucky kid gets to go to China for two weeks and come home to two weeks of Winter Break. Usually, I work late so I don't often have the opportunity to pick him up from school. I was really looking forward to this today. By the time I entered his classroom, several teachers and parents along the route had wished me safe travels and inquired about the itinerary. I guess the adoption is public knowledge now, but it was very touching to know that so many people in our lives care for us and share in our excitement.

I suppose I thought Bean would be excited to see me, but his first words upon seeing my smiling face were, "Where's my Daddy?" This was followed a short time later by, "Does Daddy know that you picked me up today?" I guess it really has been a while since I picked him up from school...

After Bean's swimming lesson, Angry Driver and I finished packing our three suitcases and three backpacks. I hope we have everything, but at this point, I'm too exhausted to even think of anything we could possibly be forgetting. I hear they have Wal-Mart in China so we will probably be ok in any case.

My uncle arrived yesterday evening via airplane and he plans to be our house sitter for the next two weeks, which I very much appreciate. Do you have any idea what it would cost me to board six cats and a dog for 14 nights? I do and it is not cheap. The cost of his flight to Blahtown was a pittance in comparison.

Hopefully, he will not give the seizure medication to the wrong gray cat. If he forgets to wipe the orange cat's nose periodically, then he won't be able to breathe (The cat, not my uncle. Chronic nasal congestion - don't ask). I've requested that he count the cats at least twice each day since the tortoiseshell cat likes to run into closets and inadvertently imprison herself. I also keep reminding him to feed the hamster and close the cage door (six cats, remember?). I think he's getting sick of the constant reminders, but I have reason to worry: he has asked me three times already to clarify which name belongs to our adopted daughter and which name is the hamster's. Yikes.

Fortunately, he will be checked on frequently by two of the nurses I work with and our next door neighbors. I just have to hope for the best.

After tucking Bean in for the night, I took the opportunity to make one last inspection of Pearl's bedroom. I hope it's perfect for her. Our adoption agency has suggested that we keep decorations and toys to a minimum so as not to overstimulate Pearl, but I have to say that Angry Driver and I failed miserably in this regard. And, no, it isn't just my fault; he's the one who insisted on the lofted bed with the slide, remember?

Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:

Totally underwhelming, I know.

With all luck, at this time tomorrow we will be soaring high above the clouds and over the international date line to Pearl's homeland. The plan is to meet her and become a family in six short days. The prospect is both exhilarating and terrifying all at once. After all this time, this adoption is finally happening. I've found that I usually have no clue before my life changes dramatically but, in this case, I know that all of our lives are about to change immeasurably. 

Let the adventure begin!

'Twas the night before flying to Beijing...and to all a good night!

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